94% Of Our Total Budget Goes Directly To Meet The Spiritual Needs Of This Unique People Group.
Would you, your Life Group, or your Church honor the Lord by giving a
CASE OF BIBLES to men and women residing in our area jails?
96% of every dollar donated to Serving Time Jail Ministry goes for the purchase of Bibles, Christian books for jail libraries, and reading glasses that we provide to jails within the CSRA.
There is nothing as transformative as the Holy Spirit using the Word Of God to reach men and women for Christ. Since 2017 we have placed 10,500+ personal Bibles with folks in jails and prisons.
We have learned that a large print NLT translation is the best reading option for most inmates. Our volume discount pricing from Tyndale yields a shipped cost of just $ 4.71 per Bible. (When a KJV translation is necessary, we can accommodate that at about the same cost.)
Your Tax Deductible donations can easily be made via Check, a Zelle Transfer, or PayPal.
By Check - Send To:
Serving Time Jail Ministry
5011 Sussex Drive
Evans, GA 30809
By PayPal - Click Donate:
Donation Options To Consider:
1-Time Case Order: $132 (28 Bibles)
Quarterly Case Order: $528/Year (112 Bibles)
Monthly Case Order: $1,584/Year (336 Bibles)
Thank you so much for your consideration on partnering with us this year!