94% Of Our Total Budget Goes Directly To Meet The Spiritual Needs Of This Unique People Group.
Serving Time - Testimony Spotlight
Hear from Serving Time volunteers..... how the power of Christ this transformed their lives, and brought them to this unique place of service.
Carl Messianic Jew Conversion
I am a Messianic Jew. At age 23, I realized that Jesus was LORD, not a liar or a lunatic, which are the only two other possibilities. In 1947, I was born to a Hungarian Jewish mother and an Italian Roman Catholic father. Today I am a born-again Southern Baptist. However, that path was not a simple and straight-forward one, and if it wasn’t for the deliberate intervention of Jesus into my life, I wouldn’t be here writing this right now. Click PDF to Read More:
David Former Surgeon
I am a retired surgeon by profession and became interested in medicine thru my Mom, who was a nurse, and later from biographies of missionary physicians. I grew up in a Christian home and thru my youth and early adult life I became a Billy Graham crusade counselor at the young age of 15 and later became involved with Campus Crusade for Christ in College. As a young surgeon in training I moon-lighted in an infamous set of Jails on Riker’s Island made famous by numerous police shows about NYC. The prisoners and corrections officers at the Richmond County Jail get a big kick when I mention the Jails at Riker’s Island. Click PDF to Read More:
Comments From A Member
"He humbled you and let you be hungry, and fed you with manna which you did not know, nor did your fathers know, that He might make you understand that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by everything that proceeds out of the mouth of the LORD." Three things amaze me in this ministry:
the spiritual hunger of this captive audience
the number who profess to be Christians
the wonder of a God who uses me to deliver the pure water of life and the bread of Heaven to these dear women
I praise our great God for the privilege of being part of this worthy, worthy ministry. May He bless and increase the ministry of all involved in ministering to these men and women, and may many come to know the Lord who gives abundance of life to His own.